This website and assoatiated database deals with the recording and surveying of world war 2 airfield commanders battle headquarters.

Dozens of these underground and semi underground bunkers were built on RAF airfield across the length and breath of Britain during the war years and many are still in existence.

So far the survey has taken 3 years and we have not finished yet.

We have used many tools to locate the bunkers first of is the Willis and Hollis airfield book which gives the build date of each airfield this is a great pointer as the build date dictates if an underground  battle head quarters was built.

Next we used online databases such as the Defense of Britain data base and the Pastscape data base.

Then the many online web forums and the people with the local knowledge, this has been backed up by the use of Arial mapping web sites and then acquiring copies of the original site plans form the RAF museum at Hendon and then a lot of driving and leg work.

Please remember if you intend to visit any of the bunkers listed that most are in a poor state of repair they are flooded and are littered with debris and there for are quite dangerous.

Most are also on private land so you should always get permission from the relevant land owners before hand.



Copyright © Mike Tucknott & Iain Taylor 2009-2018